2035: Forbidden Dimensions (2014)

Starring Kyle Morris, Jamie Katonic, Brittany O’Neil, Al Ridenour
Directed by Chris J. Miller
With writer and director Chris J. Miller and Razorwire Production’s 2035: Forbidden Dimensions set to hit DVD and VOD this August, here’s our first impression of the psychedelic sci-fi horror cum comedy feature based on the screener provided.
A planned first in a trilogy of films, the micro-budgeted yet entirely ambitious 2035: Forbidden Dimensions follows the exploits of ‘solar eclipse kid’ Jack Slade (portrayed by actor Kyle Morris), who finds that he has the ability to travel into the future (2035, to be exact).
Once there, Slade learns that society has been transformed into an utter wasteland, ruled over by crazed doctors who have turned the majority of humanity into murderous, deformed mutants (via injections derived from the flesh of dead aliens). Slade’s only hope of saving the future is to travel back to 1998 in order to destroy the ‘wavelength generator’, the device responsible for opening the dimensional gateway to alien life. Slade finds aid in this venture via a motley crew of female outlaws (the ‘Unit 5 Military Girls’), a sleazy detective and a character known as the ‘star child’ Khadijah (actress Jamie Katonic).
If the above synopsis sounds B-movie bat-shit insane, the filmic execution is even more so. Given the ‘space-time continuum’ aspect of the plot, a linear script is out of the question. Scenes move and pop in an LSD-induced frenzy, most of them set to a ‘straight out of the 80’s’ techno-synth score by filmmaker Miller and Blex. Grotesque mutants lurch, melt and explode throughout, all realized via intentionally cheesy yet cool practical effects and interesting creature design (some provided by lead Morris, who doubled as a FX artist). Performances vary; Morris balances the earnest ‘hero’ aspects of Slade and the comedic moments with a sure foot, and Katonic delivers as the ethereal (yet rather undeveloped, though I suspect her character will be extrapolated on in the planned sequels) Khadijah. Others fare not so well, though this too is part of the film’s charm.
Crazy 80’s graphics abound, and the film pays direct homage to fare from that decade, particularly The Road Warrior, The Terminator, Night of the Comet and Richard Stanley’s 1990 flick Hardware. Most alluring, however, are the production design, costuming and locations utilized. Given the film’s miniscule budget, Miller wisely upped production value by not only ‘running and gunning’ entirely interesting L.A. exteriors, but by shooting at that region’s yearly desert-held event ‘Wasteland Weekend’ (think Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome). The result is a film which at times belies its humble budget.
Bottom line: With 2035: Forbidden Dimensions Miller has delivered a flick that is first and foremost entirely fun, and one which has the ability in my estimation to become a low-budget cult classic, given that audiences find it. For those of us old enough to remember, this is exactly the kind of movie with the insane box art that you found in the sci-fi/horror section of your now-extinct local VHS rental store, the very one that made you say to yourself, “What the hell is this? I need to rent it!â€
And you probably should.

3 out of 5