Fun Size Horror (2015)

Starring Lani Akuna, Curtis Andersen, Shelson Andersen
Directed by Various
It’s all about variety – and while you could go the boring route with your favorite bag of Halloween candy, eating the same kind over and over until your stomach develops that unsettling lump in its base until the track gets reversed and you regurgitate multiple clumps of either chocolaty crisped rice, or chewy caramel nougat all over the neighbor’s kids. You could just as easily go the safer route, and choose the package that contains smaller, bite-sized teasers of different brands, giving your taste buds time to Lambada, and the same rules apply to horror film watching – why bore yourself to death with the same old marathon feature, when you can settle in with a mélange of frights, laughs, chills and thrills, all under the terror scope. Allow me to introduce Fun Size Horror: Volume One for all your scare-surveillance needs, as it surely fits the bill.
Boasting a robust 31 different shorts from a plethora of filmmakers that have pledged their souls to the genre, and you have one engaging collection that should wedge itself nicely into your home collection of films. Ranging from supernatural shockers to goofy laughers, this gathering of ghastly goodies is the brainchild of director Zeke Pinheiro, who put out a call for filmmakers who had an equal love for all things macabre, and allowed them to create their own terrifying visions on camera, and they were all pieced together like some kind of rogue Frankenstein’s monster for our viewing entertainment. While it would be overly easy to sit here and run down the list of each and every short entailed within, I’ll simply make mention of the ones I found to be stand outs, both visually and in content, so here we go.
“Knock, Knock” – a young boy’s fear of whatever may be lurking in his closet in the middle of the night could either prove to be beneficial to his survival…or not – quick to the point, creepy to the last moment – nicely crafted, even though it’s blatantly simplistic.
“Happy Birthday” – as we sit in at a little girl’s birthday party and see her receive her greatest present: a floppy-eared new addition to the family – believe me when I tell you, this one will NOT travel the same route as you’d expect – one of my favorites in this grab-bag of demented goodness.
“The Lover” – a jilted woman plans on a small bit of retribution (and remembrance) for the man who has left her behind – this is the PERFECT cautionary tale for those who don’t treat their ladies correctly – great stuff, indeed.
“A Dog and His Boy” – plainly put: man meets woman, man likes woman, man’s best friend’s gotta eat…nuff said.
“Quad” – a killer dispatches 4 people in a dizzying, grotesque display within 4 separate screens – inventive, and lots of fun.
“Mother” – the impending arrival of a newborn makes a Mommy-to-be act…how do I say this gently?…arachnified?
“The Collection” – a beautiful young aspiring model’s latest freelance job could very well be her last.
While this is merely a sampling of the nearly three-dozen quick-bites contained in this 80+ minute buffet of blood and scares, some stand out, while others drown in mediocrity, but that’s the beauty of having so many mini-features to delve into – everyone will have their favorites, and that’s why this fun-sized portion is definitely super-sized as far as horrific entertainment is concerned – you’ve got to check this one out, so go ahead and reach inside the bag, but please remember to account for all your digits when you pull your hand back out.