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The final Friday of Fantasia 2010 brought us one of the highlights of this year’s festival: director Christopher (Creep) Smith’s…

Remember in my last entry when I asked where the good horror movies were this year? Well, I think they…

It’s been five days since we last checked in, and despite watching movies every day, there’s been little to report.…

That’s right, folks. Steven R. Monroe’s remake of the exploitation classic I Spit on Your Grave has had its premiere…

Why the hell is this freaking serial killer tire movie so damn popular?! On Sunday we were unsuccessful for a…

This year’s Fantasia is taking a while to get off the ground horror-wise, and it wasn’t until the second evening…

Weeeee’re baaaack. The fourteenth year of Fantasia, and our seventh year covering it for you twisted lot who for whatever…

Reviewed by Evil Andy Starring Jonas Armstrong, Sophie Ward, Paul Blair Directed by John Harrison Distributed by Lionsgate Home Entertainment…

Reviewed by Evil Andy Starring Shiloh Fernandez, Noah Segan, Michael Brown, Candice Accola, Jenny Spain Directed by Marcel Sarmiento &…

Reviewed by Evil Andy Starring José Mojica Marins, Jece Valadão, Rui Rezende, Cristina Aché, Cléo de Páris, Nara Sakarê Directed…