About Trisha Chambers

Wife, Mother, horror movie junkie, writer, blogger, and all around goofball! Will work for Martini's and Pizza.

All Articles

April 13, 2016
It’s almost summer… that time when we look at ourselves in the mirror and scream in horror as we think of…
March 30, 2016
Written by John Llewellyn Probert Published by Horrific Tales Publishing Dead Shift is a story about three friends trying to stop…
March 16, 2016
Written By Michaelbrent Collings Published by Michaelbrent Collings Wow!  Just wow!  I really didn’t know what to expect being classified…
February 18, 2016
Sex sells. From advertisements to books to movies and TV, sex is what spikes up our inner animal and keeps…
February 16, 2016
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder or that beauty is on the inside, but sometimes this…
February 4, 2016
Written by Tim Miller Published by GutWrench Productions Tim Miller’s new book, Spankenstein, is nothing short of entertaining from beginning…
November 21, 2015
“I hate war only as a solider who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality,…
October 19, 2015
Horror movies are usually not known for making you sad, but there are some that have certain scenes in them…
October 9, 2015
There’s something super creepy about a well dressed killer isn’t there? they are articulate, fashion savvy, popular within the elite…
October 5, 2015
Tim Miller, splatterpunk/horror author, is at it again, but then again when isn’t Tim producing great horror for our brains…
August 19, 2015
Monsters that are so bad that we chuckle at the site of them, yet somehow we love them and we…
August 7, 2015
It’s always interesting to get the public’s take on horror movies today. We get to do this with sites like…