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'Grafted' delivers a multilayered and well-executed film with plenty of gross-out moments and edge-of-your-seat tension.

Premiering at the 2024 Brooklyn Horror Film Festival, 'Lilly Lives Alone' is a feverish study of trauma and isolation.

In 'Inherit the Witch,' a scattered family reunites for their father's funeral and learn horrifying secrets about their past.

In 'The Weekend,' a man reunites with his estranged family to appease his fiancée, but the visit has disastrous results.

'#AMFAD: All My Friends Are Dead' is an entertaining addition to the co-ed slasher genre for the terminally online crowd.

'The Devil's Bath' is a harrowing experience, but a deeply important and beautiful one. Read our full review on Dread…

"Better Off" explores how "It's a Wonderful Knife" became the queer holiday horror you didn’t know you needed.

A man with a traumatic brain injury is led down a dark path by his charismatic "wolf in sheep's clothing"…

A wellness getaway turns into a bloody game of cat and mouse in the new creature feature "Three Blind Mice".

Larry Fessenden's latest film, "Blackout", is a modern exploration of Universal Monster's iconic Wolf Man.

Haunted House FearFest Film Festival owner and executive director Renee Huff shares her directorial vision and horror fan origin story.