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Starring Jay Costelo, Maggie Colburn Directed byChristopher Hutson Butcher House is everything a horror movie should not be wrapped within…
Starring Simon Wallace, Amy Cocchiarella, Ty Richardson, Lance Hendrickson Directed by Ben Trandem Charles runs a website that reviews horror…
Reviewed by D.W. Bostaph, Jr. Starring Shannon Solo, Christine Mangone, Greg Ropp Directed by Mark Steensland I’m not a fan…
Starring Darian Caine, Brian Heffron, Todd Humes, Len Kabasinski Directed by Len Kabasinski Len Kabasinski makes BAD movies. I absolutely…
Starring Juliana Brafa, Duane Wallace, Linda Blair Directed by Todd Bieber and Juliana Brafa There are films where the less…
Starring Monster Mark Directed by Monster Mark When you first fall in love with movies, you do silly things because…
Starring Lloyd Kaufman, Dan Payne, Joanna Angel, and others Directed by Elias, Tomas Almgren, Brian Barnes, Brian A. Bernhard, Grady…
Starring Josh Carras, Donald Cumming, Eleonore Hendricks Written and Directed by Carter Smith 36-Minute Runtime Unease: the innate sense that…
Starring Frank Bonner, Barbara Hewitt Directed by Jack Woods/ Dennis Muren Distributed by The Criterion Collection What did Criterion see…
Reviewed by D.W. Bostaph Starring Darya Zabinski, Ruby Larocca, Rich George, Brian Paulin, and Kevin Barbare Directed by Brian Paulin…
Reviewed by D.W. Bostaph Starring Alexander Shevchenko, Svyatoslav Iliyasov, Alexandra Batrumova Directed by Andrey Iskanov Distributed by Unearthed Films Each…