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May 16, 2018
The Asylum seems to have a mandate that demands they release at least one film every year set primarily aboard…
May 9, 2018
Starring Danielle Savre, Rob Mayes, Michael Beach, Nathan Lynn Written by Erik Patterson, Hans Rodionoff, Jessica Scott Directed by Darin…
May 8, 2018
The Cannes Film Festival is in full swing. That means many movie industry movers and shakers are wheeling and dealing…
May 4, 2018
Summer is approaching rapidly and with it shark season; more importantly, shark movie season. With The Meg poised to be…
April 29, 2018
Before Syfy and Roger Corman teamed up to bring us the cult favorite Sharktopus there was another cult flick about…
March 29, 2018
All good things must come to an end. And, sometimes, even schlock has a limited shelf life. Depending on how…
March 23, 2018
We seem to be living in a golden age of television. We also seem to be nearing the End Times…
March 20, 2018
The following are words I thought would NEVER be written: 4K restoration special edition Blu-ray of Godmonster of Indian Flats.…
March 19, 2018
It sure seems like anything and everything is getting a 4K Blu-ray of late. So how about a pair of…
March 18, 2018
You can always tell when it’s St. Patrick’s Day by Syfy running a Leprechaun movie marathon. But this St. Paddy’s…
March 16, 2018
Buddha is known for helping you arrive at enlightenment, but the only enlightenment The Great Buddha Arrival may be known…
March 16, 2018
As I was recently watching Atlantic Rim: Resurrection, I found myself wondering if the age of The Asylum mockbuster might…