About Heather Wixson

All Articles

May 24, 2014
NBC’s “Rosemary’s Baby” adaptation came and went with little fanfare and extremely weak ratings. We’ve yet to hear a single…
September 26, 2011
Actor Joel Edgerton is having one hell of a great year in 2011. Not only did he garner numerous rave…
July 13, 2011
In Cold Fish Sion Sono explores one simple man’s search for balance alongside the gritty realism of the world of…
March 15, 2011
Dread Central readers, it’s hard to put into words just how amazing and inspiring it has been for this writer…
Uncategorized March 10, 2011
One enterprising user over on YouTube just uploaded the trailer for John Pogue’s Quarantine 2: Terminal via the magic of…
Uncategorized March 9, 2011
Welcome back, fiends! Over the last two days we’ve looked at the first 10 milestones in independent horror filmmaking, starting…
Uncategorized March 8, 2011
Undoubtedly, the heart and soul of The Revenant are best friends Bart (David Anders) and Joey (Chris Wylde) but as…
Uncategorized March 8, 2011
Yesterday Dread Central brought you the first five milestones in our look back at the 25 milestones that shaped the…
Uncategorized March 7, 2011
Chances are, if you’re reading this site, then you’re very familiar with AMC’s groundbreaking zombie drama series “The Walking Dead”…
Uncategorized March 7, 2011
In 2009 I had the pleasure of checking out The Revenant during the Screamfest Film Festival. Directed by Kerry Prior,…
Uncategorized March 7, 2011
For many fans, independent horror filmmaking seems like a relatively new concept. So you may be surprised to find out…
March 4, 2011
Before writer/director Scott Leberecht embarked on the sometimes difficult journey making his latest film Midnight Son (review here), he was…