About Heather Wixson

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Uncategorized February 2, 2011
Filmmaking is a hard business at any budget, but especially at the independent level, which is why you always have…
Uncategorized January 31, 2011
Before I had the opportunity to see Paranormal Activity 2 last fall, I had no idea that the movie was…
January 31, 2011
If you happened to catch Paranormal Activity 2 when it was in theaters this past October, then you probably joined…
Uncategorized January 28, 2011
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost seven years since the horror genre was turned on its head by the…
January 28, 2011
Oftentimes on indie film shoots, timing is everything, which means you don’t necessarily get a lot of time to sit…
January 28, 2011
It’s no secret I love action flicks and any project featuring Jason Statham is like catnip for me, which is…
January 28, 2011
A few years ago while covering Paul Solet’s Grace during what almost seems like a lifetime ago now, this writer…
Uncategorized January 27, 2011
While promoting the DVD and Blu-Ray release of his latest endeavor, Let Me In, Matt Reeves took some time to…
Uncategorized January 25, 2011
With director Sean Cain busy putting the finishing touches on Breath of Hate, he also checked in with Dread Central…
Uncategorized January 23, 2011
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost seven years since the horror genre was turned on its head by the…
Uncategorized January 20, 2011
Oftentimes on indie film shoots, timing is everything, which means you don’t necessarily get a lot of time to sit…
Uncategorized January 17, 2011
It’s no secret I love action flicks and any project featuring Jason Statham is like catnip for me, which is…