About Howard Gorman

All Articles

December 2, 2016
Planting both feet firmly in the VHS era, Jackson Stewart’s Beyond the Gates (review) is one of my personal favourites…
December 2, 2016
We’ve been talking a good long while about the remake of Patricio Valladares’ Hidden in the Woods (Review) and finally the release…
November 23, 2016
This past week saw the Molins de Rei Horror Film Fest celebrate its 35th anniversary. Having never actually had the…
November 9, 2016
Already having bagged all of 31 awards on the international festival circuit, and now in the running for a Spanish…
October 28, 2016
It’s our favorite season of the year once again, and if you’re anything like me, you’ll be scavenging high and…
October 28, 2016
Cult indie directors Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski’s IndieGoGo campaign for their latest endeavour, The Void (Review), cajoled the internet last year when…
October 26, 2016
Remakes. Revamps. Rehashes. That’s virtually all we seem to be hearing of late, especially when it comes to horror. The…
October 24, 2016
Last week, Dread brought you the first full trailer for Marc Martínez Jordán’s upcoming home invasion/slasher shocker, Framed, which was…
October 14, 2016
Starring John Jarratt, Lucy Fry, Dustin Clare Directed by Tony Tilse, Greg McLean Despite John Jarratt’s initial reticence when offered to reprise…
October 13, 2016
As part of the Sitges Film Festival “Coming Soon” section, Marc Carreté‘s (Asmodexia) newly-founded Creatures of the Dark banner “crashed…
October 5, 2016
Based on real-life events, Greg McLean’s original Wolf Creek introduced us to the churlish, wise-cracking, murderous psychopath, Mick Taylor, as he wreaked havoc…
October 4, 2016
Technology, especially that of a gaming kind, is advancing like there’s no tomorrow, and chances are that this generation’s kids…