About Johnny Butane

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Uncategorized February 24, 2009
All right, this is just weird but it’s one of those things that I feel like if we ignore, we’ll…
Uncategorized February 24, 2009
Production on Alexandre Aja’s much-anticipated
Uncategorized February 23, 2009
It’s hard to tell what’s going on, but there’s definitely some chaos going down in the first images from
Uncategorized February 23, 2009
Now this has been a long time coming! You may remember a semi-regular column of bizarreness called The Buz: Horror…
Uncategorized February 23, 2009
The DVD for The Haunting of Molly Hartley hits this Tuesday, and to get you in the mood we have…
Uncategorized February 23, 2009
The horror DVDs coming out on Tuesday, February 24th are strange. Some good re-issues, some odd new releases, and a…
Uncategorized February 23, 2009
Man, Toby Wilkins just can’t catch a break when it comes to DVD releases for his films. First Splinter gets…
Uncategorized February 23, 2009
It may not be 100% horror, but since the possible next film for Watchmen director Zack Snyder is described as…
Uncategorized February 23, 2009
It’s a small thing, but at this point we’ll take any updates we can get regarding
Uncategorized February 22, 2009
The full trailer for S. Darko: A Donnie Darko Tale (as it’s now being called) showed up this weekend over…
Uncategorized February 21, 2009
Now here’s some news I didn’t expect to stumble upon any time soon: EA Games has announced that development has…
Uncategorized February 21, 2009
Insanity is the rule of the day over at Summit Entertainment, which has just announced that the third movie in…