About Josh Millican

All Articles

June 30, 2021
In a recent interview, Jason Blum hinted that the upcoming sequel to THE EXORCIST may take the same approach as…
June 30, 2021
Netflix's FEAR STREET Trilogy kicks off on Friday! Watch the first 5 minutes of FEAR STREET PART 1: 1994 now!%%title%%
June 30, 2021
Feast your eyes on the brutal trailer for DON'T BREATHE 2, arriving in theaters on August 13th!%%title%%
June 29, 2021
Check out our exclusive clip from the festival hit eco-horror UNEARTH (directed by John C. Lyons & Dorota Swies and…
June 29, 2021
If you're a fan of the original HALLOWEEN and Pinball, take note: The folks at Spooky Pinball have something big…
June 28, 2021
Sydney Lemmon has now joined the remake of Stephen King's FIRESTARTER directed by Keith Thomas in the works at Blumhouse!%%title%%
June 28, 2021
EVIL DEAD producer Rob Tapert took to Twitter in an effort to drum up support for stunt coordinator Dayna Grant…
June 28, 2021
Today brings word that John Lithgow will be reprising the role of "The Trinity Killer" Arthur Mitchell in Showtime's upcoming…
June 28, 2021
Look for the Tunisian horror movie DACHRA, written and directed by Abdelhamid Bouchnak, in select theaters beginning July 9th!%%title%%
June 28, 2021
Netflix and R.L. Stine's FEAR STREET PART 1: 1994 (directed by Leigh Janiak) arrives this Friday! Watch the scary new…
June 25, 2021
We'll now have to wait three weeks longer for the theatrical release of Denis Villeneuve's DUNE, based on the iconic…
June 25, 2021
Though billed as the final installment in the franchise, Jame DeMonaco tells us exclusively that he's working on a follow-up…