About Mike Phalin

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Uncategorized August 11, 2008
Reporting on Comic-Con, but not actually being there is pretty depressing for that first week, then everyone starts uploading videos…
August 11, 2008
Reviewed by Kryten Syxx Starring David Faustino, Andrew Divoff, Kostas Sommer, Joe Torry and Corin Nemec Directed by Michael Feifer…
Uncategorized August 11, 2008
Detective Comic’s Wildstorm label is set to release a second volume of Friday the 13th comics. Written by Marc Andreyko,…
Uncategorized August 11, 2008
UPDATE:Yesterday I noticed that there was already conflicting information out there about the new Creepshow series, but it was kind…
Uncategorized August 7, 2008
MTV helped out our genre today by posting the first trailer for Go! producer Mickey Liddell’s first directorial effort, The…
Uncategorized August 7, 2008
During Comic-Con we covered a little bit about Davi de Oliveira Pinheiro’s Brazilian psychic serial killer flick, Beyond the Grave…
Uncategorized August 7, 2008
IGN made me proud today as they posted a “restricted” trailer for Gregg Bishop’s prom themed zombie picture, Dance of…
Uncategorized August 7, 2008
Jack Brooks has one hell of a job. Who wouldn’t want to beat the livin’ hell out of monsters? That…
Uncategorized August 7, 2008
Shawnee Smith, oh how I remember falling in love with her when I first saw The Blob. Did I mention…
Uncategorized August 7, 2008
Just last week we heard that
Uncategorized August 6, 2008
Paco Plaza and Jaume Balaguero, the men who brought us the cinéma-vérité delight known as
Uncategorized August 5, 2008
Just a couple months ago we learned that here! Films was going to bring