About Mr. Dark

All Articles

September 29, 2015
Being your devoted curator of The Menagerie is hard work, dear patrons.  Sorting through the riff raff that wish to…
September 9, 2015
Once again, we have some original spooky courtesy of TexPart Paranormal.  This time, it’s provided by Julie Koenig, VP Pro…
September 8, 2015
This is it, folks; this is what we’ve been waiting for… the very first original content to be added to…
August 27, 2015
This one is an exercise in both the positives and the negatives of the Internet. It all started with a…
August 21, 2015
I love hotels.  The chains are fine, but what I really like are unique, individually owned hotels.  They all have…
August 20, 2015
We talk a lot about sharks here in The Gasp Menagerie.  Many folks here at Dread Central, current and past,…
August 19, 2015
Anyone familiar with paranormal investigations in the US has heard of the infamous Myrtles plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana.  The…
August 18, 2015
A lot of people kind of giggle when you bring up a haunted doll or puppet.  It’s silly, right?  It’s…
August 1, 2015
Ah, Texas Frightmare Weekend.  My Christmas, Halloween, and birthday all rolled into one.  The time of year I get to…
July 17, 2015
Starring Yatoya Toy, Siegfried Peters, Steven Yvette, Nicole Bosworth Directed by Rodney Ascher The Old Hag. The Night Hag. Shadow…
July 17, 2015
Zombies, zombies everywhere! It’s definitely the era of the undead. Films, TV, comics… you name it, they’re all chock-full of…
July 16, 2015
In a story that combines many elements of ghostly horror films, a Welsh couple claims to have been harassed by…