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Uncategorized September 14, 2008
Some games just aren’t done justice by screenshots and Silent Hill Homecoming is one of them. Every time I see…
Uncategorized September 14, 2008
We’ve talked before about the option to play as the boss zombies in Left 4 Dead, but it was starting…
Uncategorized September 9, 2008
Just a quick update on what is looking like one of the best horror titles this generation. Shack News reports…
Uncategorized September 9, 2008
Uncategorized August 12, 2008
Dead Space isn’t as surprising now as it was when it was first revealed. A game coming from a creatively…
Uncategorized August 8, 2008
So EA was kind enough to fly me out to the west coast to visit their studios and to check…
July 30, 2008
File this one under “likely but still rumoured”. Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations is a beloved board game around these parts…
Uncategorized July 25, 2008
Yesterday Sony released Siren: Blood Curse in the States, and I’ve managed to play through a couple of the episodes.…
Uncategorized July 18, 2008
I’m currently revisiting a few of the previous Silent Hill titles, so it’s with that frame of mind that I…
Uncategorized July 16, 2008
Well Sony and Nintendo didn?t really have much for us horror fans at their conferences, which is a shame since…
Uncategorized July 15, 2008
As we had hoped, during yesterday’s Microsoft E3 press conference a number of titles interesting to us horror fans were…
Uncategorized July 14, 2008
First things first: March 13th, 2009. Yes, that’s a Friday so you’ll want to plan not to spend that evening…