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We got a chance to review The Forgotten City, a game all about attempting to not commit any sins or…

EA has announced an official remake of the original Dead Space, bringing the franchise back from the dead and to…

With the latest Sniper Elite game launching, we look at how the series has always managed to portray being shot…

In Madison you'll have to survive ghosts, demons, and puzzles with your only weapon being an instant camera.

The Eternal Castle Remastered brings us a modern game with classic inspirations. Is this enough to really capture an audience?

It seems the Dead Space series is coming back, with word being that EA is currently working on a remake…

It seems like the original Dead Space is getting a Resident Evil 2-styled remake, with EA's Motive Studio working on…

Sony has announced that they've acquired Housemarque, the developer of the recently released AAA roguelite Returnal, among other games.