About Scott Hallam

We all go a little mad sometimes...haven't you?

All Articles

June 8, 2015
One of the most unique horror events in the Northeast is the Hudson Horror Show. With its eleventh bi-annual show…
June 5, 2015
We always say that tension is what makes a great horror movie. Blood, guts, and gratuitous nudity are great, but…
June 3, 2015
If you’re casting a horror movie, you can’t go wrong bringing Lance Henriksen into your project. And the people behind…
June 1, 2015
In 2014, the inaugural Slaughter in Syracuse Independent Underground Film Festival took the area horror community by storm. Featuring outstanding…
May 29, 2015
It’s late at night. You’re tired but just can’t seem to fall asleep. You toss and turn, needing something to…
May 28, 2015
All you fans of filmmaker Ryan Nicholson and his deep, dark, twisted visions need to wait no longer to get…
May 26, 2015
Tom DeNucci first came to our attention with a small role in Woodhaven Production Company’s initial film, Inkubus. Since then…
May 26, 2015
Starring Danielle Guldin, Jesse Dufault, Bill Moseley, Kane Hodder, Eva Senerchia, Jonah Coppolelli, Tanja Melendez Lynch, Eric Nyenhuis, Alexander Cook,…
May 25, 2015
One of the best parts of the Halloween season is the large assortment of haunted attractions that have become so…
May 20, 2015
Poltergeist hits theaters on May 22. Throughout the course of history, across a wide cross-section of different cultures, poltergeist-type spirits…
May 19, 2015
Starring Callie Ott, Raymond Creamer, Chris Oliver, Lexi Moeller Directed by Jerry J. White III The first thing one notices…
May 18, 2015
Die You Zombie Bastards, goddamn it, deserves an HD Blu-ray version just for having one of the greatest horror movie…