B-Sides – Who Ya Gonna Call? Run DMC

Everyone remembers Ray Parker, Jr.’s classic “Ghostbusters” theme song. But how many of you remember Run DMC’s “Ghostbusters Rap” from the ill-advised sequel? If ever there ever was an argument against not making a third Ghostbusters, this embarrassing music video is it.
Ghostbusters remains one of my all-time favorite movies. I’m not lying when I tell you I saw it 8 times in the theater as a little kid. I’m also not lying when I tell you that watching Ghostbusters 2 in a theater opening weekend remains to this day one of the most profoundly depressing experiences of my life. The sequel’s piss poor soundtrack also did the film no favors.
As if Bobby Brown’s terrible “On Our Own” wasn’t enough to make you run screaming in the opposite direction of the Ghostbusters 2 soundtrack, with Run DMC rapping about ghostbustin’, what once was funny cool suddenly became the exact opposite. That Run DMC samples liberally from Ray Parker, Jr.’s “Ghostbusters” only further exacerbates what a tragic follow-up their rap is. Just look at these lyrics in print form.
All alone on the phone
so whassup with that noise?
The wife’s at work and I’m no jerk
and I just left my boys
{indecipherable} at school and I’m no fool
and I got no time to waste
So you get up and call, don’t trip and fall
Go outside and leave the place
Now it’s no dream because you seein’
a shadow in the night
But we will come and get it done
so don’t worry save your fright
Now there’s a group who likes to troop
and you know you can trust us
So don’t get nervous cause at your service
I don’t think the world would hear a theme song to a horror-tinged comedy this bad until Hammer’s “Addams Family Groove”. But that’s another B-Side for another weekend.
From the best forgotten Ghostbusters 2 comes the unforgettably rotten “Ghostbusters Rap” by Run DMC.
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