B-Sides: My Hat Is Like A Shark’s Fin

I knew with this weekend’s release of Shark Night 3D that there was no better time to present a B-Sides showcasing the greatest rap song about man-eating sharks ever recorded.
You better believe I’m talking about LL Cool J’s “Deepest Bluest” from Renny Harlin’s 1999 sharktacular Deep Blue Sea. Debate the merits of the movie all you want; there is no debating the greatness of a movie theme song whose main refrain is Deepest, bluest, my hat is like a shark’s fin!
Ah, yes, lyrics so powerful, so soul stirring, so… so… jawsome, I once presented them in the form of a dramatic poetry reading at the end of a Dinner for Fiends podcast. What makes this song all the more tremendous is how LL Cool J gives this rap his all while laying down mad tracks such as…
Struggling to flow with hemorrhages in your throat
Getting the lap dance while I smash through your boat
Eat your whole family
Nothing left but a right hand
Clinging to a rail
Escape, attempts fail
How did the Oscars overlook “Deepest Bluest” for best song that year? For the love of all this holy in this world, has the word “hemorrhages” ever even been used in a rap song prior to this?
Take it away, LL Cool J!

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