B-Sides: I’m So Happy for Bad Channels

I’ve always had two theories about Bad Channels: Either Charles Band hoped it would become Full Moon’s very own Rocky Horror, or he did a ton of blow and believed a sci-fi comedy horror musical about an alien with a head like space cauliflower hijacking a radio station as an excuse to have some sexy gals dance to schlocky music was genius.
Sometimes you find yourself watching a movie trying to figure out what on earth the filmmakers were striving for. An alien takes over a radio station and uses the musical airwaves to hypnotically shrink beautiful women that it collects in bottles. I’m back to leaning toward the blow theory.
The apex of Bad Channels was without a doubt the alien music video hallucination “Manic Depresso” performed by Sycotic Sinfoney, a band that can only best be summarized as being as if someone dumped Mr. Bungle, Slipknot, Primus, and GWAR into a musical blender. Taking over a mostly forgotten 1992 Full Moon movie for a few minutes appears to have been the highlight of Sycotic Sinfoney’s short-lived musical career. Alas, they didn’t even achieve the musical heights of Green Jelly.
The context of what you’re about to watch is pretty irrelevant even in terms of the movie itself. A clown sings in a funny voice. A guitarist dressed as a nun surfs atop a gurney. A nurse begins to strip. Musical chaos ensues.
Here’s Sycotic Sinfoney performing “Manic Depresso” in Bad Channels, the only part of that movie that didn’t make me want to change the channel.

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