B-Sides: Jason Is a Man with No Life in His Eyes

B-Sides is arriving a little early this weekend because there’s no way I’m letting Friday the 13th pass without having a musical interlude in honor of Mr. Voorhees. The theme song to Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning may not have been written specifically for the film, but if ever there was a man with no life in his eyes, it’s Jason.
The Australian New Wave band Pseudo Echo had a decent run in the 1980’s, though they never quite broke through in the United States. The pinnacle of their American music career may very well have been when their song “His Eyes” was used during the end credits of 1985’s fake Jason sequel Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning. Kind of disappointingly ironic that what may have been the best song to ever adorn the soundtrack to a Friday the 13th movie got tacked onto the end of what may be the least popular installment in the series.
With today being Friday the 13th, what better time to look into Jason’s eyes while listening to the end credits song from his fifth outing? No imposter in this custom made music video using clips of the real Jason doing what he does best from various installments in the franchise. If the guy that made this Pseudo Echo “His Eyes” Friday the 13th video is reading this, nice work. Jason would be proud. Then he’d probably kill you anyway. Jason can be a real dick sometimes.
Happy Friday the 13th!

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