B-Sides: Baby Lied about the Neon Maniacs

If you remember the movie Neon Maniacs, congratulations, you actually remember the movie Neon Maniacs. I’m getting obscure with this week’s B-Sides, so obscure even finding a copy of this tune anywhere is nearly impossible.
Horror, strangeness, and Eighties tackiness collided head-on in the low-budget 1986 creature feature Neon Maniacs. A gaggle of zombie mutants each garishly gimmicky enough to have been released as Masters of the Universe action figures lurk beneath the Golden Gate Bridge. The only thing that can kill these foul creatures is good ol’ H20. Yep, a little water or a little rain makes these monsters go the way of the Wicked Witch.
You don’t suppose M. Night watched this flick before making Signs?
Neon Maniacs is mostly forgotten today. Fitting, given how forgettable the movie is, aside from the campy designs of its murderous mutants. The song “Baby Lied” isn’t terribly memorable either unless you’re really into AOR music.
No Neon Maniacs soundtrack was ever released. A very rare self-released album by singer Rick Bowles and this scene from the movie in which the song is performed before a soon-to-be-dead audience are the only places you can hear the very 80’s tune “Baby Lied”.

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