B-Sides: It’s A Good Day To Die

With Fourth of July week upon us, call me crazy, but the satirically militaristic theme song to Starship Trooopers 3 somehow seems an oddly appropriate B-Sides. Even if it is meant to be poking fun at fascism and jingoism, I’d have no problem humming this tune as I march into battle.
It’s a good day to die.
When you know the reasons why.
Citizens, we fight for what is right.
Courage. Duty. Honor.
A noble sacrifice,
When duty calls, you pay the price.
For the Federation I would give my life.
Inspiring lyrics to die by from Starship Troopers 3: Marauder… and easily the best part of that direct-to-video sequel. As Independence Day approaches, let’s take a moment to remember all those that have died to secure our freedom today and all those good-looking Caucasian teenagers with Hispanic names that will lay down their lives to save Earth from hordes of intergalactic insects in the future.

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