B-Sides: You’re a Cool Dude, Berserker

This B-Sides bewilders me. If ever a song sounded like it was tailor-made for an early Eighties teen sex comedy, it’s “You’re a Cool Dude.” Instead it comes to us from a late Eighties slasher flick about teens in the Minnesota woods getting hacked up by a Viking Berserker.
Berserker AKA Berserker: The Nordic Curse featured everything you’ve come to expect from your quintessential 1980’s slasher flick. You got young idiots venturing into the woods to get drunk, smoke dope, and get laid. You got nubile young women in various states of undress. Most importantly, you got a homicidal maniac in an elaborate costume. In this instance, a resurrected, cannibalistic, Viking Berserker decked out in bear skins.
But before the blood pours, the victims get some time to frolic, and frolic they do to a song so bad it’s almost great. “Cool Dude” by Chuck Francour sounds better suited to a 1980’s sex comedy about slackers and nerds trying to lose their virginity, but if that had been the case, we would never have been able to enjoy hearing this song set to such cool imagery as a woman taking photographs of what we will never know, homoerotic beer baths, four-wheeling in a circle, and all the frolicking in a foot-and-a-half of water your heart can stand.
It doesn’t get any cooler than that, right?

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