B-Sides: Look at Me When Charles Bronson Is Shooting You at 10 to Midnight

A naked serial killer is terrorizing Los Angeles, murdering a plethora of beautiful young women. But now he’s targeting Charles Bronson’s daughter, and Bronson has a snub-nosed revolver targeting the psycho-sexual slasher…
The two are due to collide sometime around 10 to Midnight.
The most important lesson to be learned from watching any Charles Bronson movie is that you do not ever want to murder, rape, or stalk a member of his family. Even if the movie isn’t titled Death Wish, the moment you harm a member of the Bronson brood, you might as well start a countdown clock as to when he is going to find you and put a bullet through your head (or blow you up).
While the 1983 Charles Bronson vehicle 10 to Midnight is regarded more as an action thriller by most, it really does have a sleazy rough edge to it that practically puts it in grindhouse horror territory. How much it revels in gory slasher violence and gratuitous T&A in the midst of the bloodbaths wasn’t lost on the late Roger Ebert, who opened his scathingly negative review of the film with the following line:
This is a scummy little sewer of a movie, a cesspool that lingers sadistically on shots of a killer terrifying and killing helpless women, and then is shameless enough to end with an appeal to law and order.
More like another great offering from Cannon Films.
Bruce Scott’s “Look at Me” was the perfect title track for a film about a serial killer who strips naked before stabbing women to death given how the lyrics sound as if they were written from a creepy stalker’s perspective. The song could have been used as the killer’s defense at trial if he lived long enough to see the inside of a courtroom. What did I tell you about messing with Charles Bronson’s family?

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