B-Sides: Eve of Destruction Gets a Bad Rap

At long last – the notorious rappin’ TV ad for Eve of Destruction that boasted an awesomely cheesy rap song explaining the flick’s premise. Few who saw this commercial that ran for only two weeks leading up to the film’s release in January 1991 have ever forgotten it. Hero… Before the clock hits zero!
It might be a 30-second commercial jingle rather than an actual song, and it isn’t even included in the movie; yet, this previously long lost promo is the epitome of what B-Sides is all about. Not since the Maniac Cop 2 closing credits rap song has there been b-movie hip hop greatness of this caliber.
Charles Jackson a.k.a. C.J. SKYY and Michael Haney a.k.a. Ice Mike busted the rhymes about a thermonuclear cyborg being chased by Gregory Hines.
Yo, Eve of Destruction!

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