B-Sides: Celebratin’ Night of the Comet

As the world prepares to celebrate Shout Factory’s release of Night of the Comet on Blu-ray, now seems as good a time as any to celebrate one of the great b-movies of the Eighties by dipping into its soundtrack for a B-Sides.
Chris Farren’s ”Whole World Is Celebratin’” sets the stage for the doomsday to come in the cheeriest way possible. Night of the Comet opens with everyone in 1984 all excited about a super rare celestial event: Earth passing through the tail of a comet. The last time this happened was 65 million years ago… about the time the dinosaurs went extinct.
But people aren’t interested in such disturbingly coincidental facts because, as the song explains, the whole world is celebratin’.
The next day valley girls Catherine Mary Stewart and Kelli Maroney will be amongst all that remains of the human race after everyone that came out to watch the comet has turned either to dust or into crazed zombies.
Enough with the depressing side of the Night of the Comet; I want to celebrate, and this song makes me want to celebrate as only a mid-Eighties AOR ditty can. Break out the synthesizers and the leg warmers ‘cause the whole world is celebratin’.

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