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Sinfeld Remastered is a Seinfeld-themed horror game that may or may not be real, but is totally worth looking at.

Footage of a working prototype of canceled Dreamcast title Castlevania: Resurrection was filmed and uploaded to YouTube over this weekend.

Hanbitsoft announced in a press release today the Steam launch of Hellgate VR, taking place in the same universe as…

The PlayStation Plus games for April 2021 have been announced and players can snag up to three games for their…

DOOM 3: VR Edtion recently launched on the PlayStation VR, giving the classic a fresh coat of paint with several…

Love collecting Doom stuff? Limited Run Games has a collection of physical Doom stuff, including a reprint of the 1996…

In our final article for Resident Evil's 25th anniversary, @Joel_Couture looks at how the Spencer Mansion itself is used to…

A murder of crows is looking for some monsters to murder in Death's Door, the game where reaping souls is…