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Now, when you read the word recent, understand that we’re not necessarily talking about pictures filmed last month. A handful…

I feel a little empty inside when I think about the days of minimal responsibility and maximum alcohol consumption. When…

With Halloween almost upon us, we horror fans pretty much have our plans figured out. We know what parties we’re…

Only a twisted mind could come up with these horror movie plots. Are you twisted enough to enjoy their brilliance?…

If I’ve learned anything from horror movies, it is this: Don’t mess with the devil. Sure, he’ll promise all kinds…

Join us as we dive deep into the world of Hellraiser, exploring some of the best Cenobite stories on the…

After the enormous critical and box-office success of It, director Andy Muschietti is at work on the sequel and has…

Horror fans often times groan at the prospect of another remake. It’s certainly become a trend to take a movie…