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April 13, 2016
Josh Schafer from over at Lunchmeat VHS/Lunchmeat Magazine shares with Dread Central a few gems from his current VHS wish list!…
April 12, 2016
Everyone’s heard their fair share of hair-raising vacation anecdotes, and most of you have probably even experienced them first-hand: blocked up toilets…
April 12, 2016
A lot of genre freaks really get a kick out of gore. That’s easy to understand as special and makeup…
April 12, 2016
There’s nothing worse than an excellent piece of genre fare that keeps us completely captivated for 90 minutes, only to…
April 12, 2016
As a working actor, you have to be open to accepting any job offer that comes your way – whether…
April 12, 2016
Ever since coming on board as executive producer/frequent episode director, makeup effects legend Greg Nicotero (KNB EFX Group) has infused…
April 11, 2016
Sometimes we horror fans just hit a wall with what the genre has to offer and need that little something…
April 11, 2016
There are a massive amount of genre fanatics who simply cannot stand remakes. I get it – if it ain’t…
April 11, 2016
The Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University in New Haven, CT, is undertaking a somewhat unusual project – at least by…
April 9, 2016
Tim Clarke is the co-creator of Boglins – a toy that has undoubtedly become a cult favorite among toy collectors…