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Time has a funny way of treating art. As days pass into years and years pass into decades, ideas, opinions…

Sex sells. From advertisements to books to movies and TV, sex is what spikes up our inner animal and keeps…

Fear is timeless. From even before we had words to describe it, man has huddled around the warm fires of…

Video games based on horror movies have become increasingly rare over the years, but there was a time when it…

As horror fans, we’re lucky to have many different companies that cater to our every desire. Our toy shelves are…

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder or that beauty is on the inside, but sometimes this…

Anyone who loves horror loves the mysterious side of the genre. And we’re not necessarily talking mysterious details of mysterious…

Last year I put together a piece titled, 13 Horror Comics and Graphic Novels You Need to be Reading in…

John Carpenter has built a reputation that is untouchable. His films have held the attention of viewers for more than…