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August 7, 2018
Rejoice, you plebs! For today is the anniversary of the day the world was gifted with…ME! That’s right, it’s my…
August 2, 2018
A long-time friend of the show, Paranormal Investigator Sean Austin is back with a new book, Shadow Chaser, along with…
July 30, 2018
Que onda wey?! It’s time for another episode of the Who Goes There Podcast, and we know you’ve got the warm…
July 26, 2018
This week we have a very special edition of Brainwaves Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio for you kids! First up…
July 23, 2018
Hear, ye! Hear, ye! By royal proclamation, King Sam has sacrificed his monthly movie pick, so that the foul mouthed…
July 19, 2018
Larry Cohen made a Return to Salem’s Lot, birthed It’s Alive, and to this day oozes The Stuff as sure…
July 16, 2018
It’s that time of the year again, the time for comic con, and fireworks, bar-b-ques and bonfires. All year long,…
July 12, 2018
When it comes to horror and love of the genre, few names carry as much weight as Joe Bob Briggs.…
July 7, 2018
I am going to go out on a limb and say, I don’t think that Canada gets the credit it…
June 30, 2018
Twenty-one years ago, residents of San Diego, California were shocked to learn that not only did a U.F.O. death cult…