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Some guy over on the popular video sharing app, TikTok claims that he is currently being stalked by what he…

CHILD'S PLAY actor Mark Hamill Says that a Now-Extinct Bird Claw Looks Like It Came from STAR WARS EPISODE VI:…

Join your host Jans on an all new killer episode of Dread: The Unsolved where he takes on the Legendary…

In the latest episode of DREAD THE UNSOLVED, Jans Holstrom investigates some of America's most prolific abd brutal serial killers.

A construction contractor was digging a drainage hole for a patio in the village of Heytesbury when his shovel uncovered…

In the latest episode of DREAD THE UNSOLVED, our own Jans Holstrom explores the mysteries surrounding the life and death…

A Florida resident reported that her security camera picked up a strange nocturnal visitor at 3:40 am – “a raptor…

Netflix's next true crime docuseries, MURDER AMONG THE MORMONS, arrives on the streaming giant March 3rd.

Trailer: Documentary Series CRIME SCENE: THE VANISHING AT THE CECIL HOTEL Hits Netflix February 10th
From director Joe Berlinger (Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes, Paradise Lost), Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the…