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March 10, 2020
Now, don’t go freaking out over that headline… I’m not trying to exploit or belittle the seriousness of the COVID-19…
March 10, 2020
I don’t know if you guys know this about me or not, but I’m a dad. Yes, I have four…
March 5, 2020
We’ve all seen the first season of SyFy’s since canceled creepypasta series Channel Zero, right? You know, Channel Zero: Candle…
March 5, 2020
Real Horror. Five young purebred bulls mysteriously showed up dead – drained of blood and with body parts precisely removed…
February 25, 2020
In the last episode of Chronic Horror, Richard Trejo and I were joined by filmmaker/paranormal investigator Jose Prendes for a supernatural…
February 25, 2020
A newly discovered species of dinosaur has been given the name Reaper of Death, and with good reason. From looking…
February 24, 2020
Over the weekend, images of a ventriloquist dummy fished out of the Rio Grande made waves across the internet. Folks…
February 21, 2020
Zodiac Features has launched creative packaging for a Cleveland Torso Murders limited scripted series currently titled, NEX (Latin for violent…
February 18, 2020
In the latest episode of Chronic Horror, Richard Trejo and I are joined by filmmaker/paranormal investigator Jose Prendes for a…
February 18, 2020
A&E Network scares up two paranormal premieres this spring beginning Wednesday, April 8th at 8 pm ET/PT with the double-episode…