Win Blu-ray Copies of Mosquito and Manos from Synapse and Dread Central


This October we’ve been pumping out contests like nobody’s business! Being that for all intents and purposes this is our holiday season, we’re happy to do so. Right now, in conjunction with Synapse Films, we’re giving away Blu-ray bundles featuring the 20th Anniversary Edition of Mosquito along with one of the best worst movies ever made, Manos: The Hands of Fate.

To enter for your chance to win, just send an email to including your FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS with “Synapse – The Contest of Fate” in the subject line. We’ll take care of the rest.

This contest will end at 12:01 AM PT on October 26, 2015.

Mosquito Synopsis:
Science-fiction becomes horrifyingly real for a park full of innocent campers, as a hideous horde of mutated mosquitoes viciously attack without warning! A band of survivors flees the bloodthirsty swarm in a death-defying attempt to warn the world of the mosquito menace. Led by a brave young couple and a resourceful government agent, the group realizes their only hope is to take on the bloodthirsty bugs in an explosive final showdown! A chilling blend of sci-fi, humor, and old-school horror, MOSQUITO is a tour de force of terror.

Starring genre icon Gunnar Hansen (the original Leatherface from THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE) and the late, great Ron Asheton (founding member of the punk rock band The Stooges), MOSQUITO is a gore-drenched tale made with traditional stop-motion and practical effects!


Manos: The Hands of Fate Synopsis:
Mike (Harold P. Warren) and Maggie (Diane Mahree), on a road trip with their daughter and family dog, take a wrong turn in Texas and become trapped at a weird lodge inhabited by a polygamous pagan cult. They soon find themselves in the middle of a power struggle among caretaker Torgo (John Reynolds), cult leader The Master (Tom Neyman), and two warring factions of The Master’s wives. As the family tries to escape, the worshipers of Manos decide their fate...

MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE, the sole directorial effort of Texas fertilizer salesman Harold P. Warren, perplexed even the most jaded drive-in audiences and was deemed by many “the worst movie ever made.” Nearly lost, the original 16mm Ektachrome film elements have been finally unearthed and lovingly restored by Ben Solovey to create the definitive version of this accidental masterpiece. There’s no other movie like MANOS… now in HD with picture and sound unseen since 1966.


