Exclusive Contest: Want to Interview Robert Englund?

Here at Dread Central we get to talk to pretty much every single person working within the horror biz and you have NO IDEA how grateful we are for that opportunity. So much so that we feel it’s time to give you the chance. Ready for an odd contest for the ages? We’ve got your chance to win an interview with Robert Englund and a whole lot more!
In celebration of the premiere of Rob Hall’s original web-series “Fear Clinic” on FEARnet, we are giving away three prize packages:
Grand Prize
• You get to interview Robert Englund
• $15 iTunes gift card
• “Fear Clinic” poster – signed by cast members Robert Englund, Danielle Harris and Kane Hodder
• Copy of Robert Englund’s new book, Hollywood Monster
• The Nightmare on Elm Street DVD Collection
• Saw I-IV DVD Set
First Prize
• $15 iTunes gift card
• Ghost House Underground Eight Film DVD Collection
Second Prize
• $15 iTunes gift card
• Hostel and Hostel II on DVD
What do you have to do to win? Demonstrate your interview skills by E-MAIL HERE that includes your first and most important question for the horror icon, along with your FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS, and we’ll do the rest and notify you by e-mail if you’ve won. The best question grabs the prize package along with the exclusive interview. The runners-up get one of the other two prize packages listed above.
To see what else FEARnet has cooking this month, check out their full slate of FEARtober events here!
Whatcha waitin’ for? Let’s see whatcha got! Contest ends 10/26.

Good luck!
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