CONTEST CLOSED! Win an On-Screen Used Prop from Horror of Our Love: A Short Film

“Horror of Our Love”, a short film by Dave Reda and Elftwin Films, has been making the festival rounds – and winning awards at many of them. And it’s scheduled to screen at two additional fests in California during the month of August. To celebrate, Dave and Elftwin are offering Dread Central readers the chance to win a prop utilized in the film: a severed arm holding flowers. Read on for the details.
There are three steps to winning the arm you see below:
1. Befriend Elftwin Films on Facebook, and post a comment on their Wall about the contest, the film, or anything else that strikes your fancy.
2. Follow Elftwin Films on Twitter, and retweet one of their messages.
3. Come up with a clever caption for the following screenshot from the classic film Creature from the Black Lagoon (talk about a horrific love story!).

Once you’ve completed all three steps, send us an E-MAIL HERE that includes your FULL NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, your CAPTION, and links to your Facebook and Twitter posts.
In addition to the one grand prize winner who gets the arm, we’ll pick ten random entrants to receive the password to view the short “Horror of Our Love” in its entirety on the official Elftwin Films website.

In the meantime congrats to the cast and crew of “Horror of Our Love” for winning the Audience Choice Award at the 2010 Dances with Films Festival in LA, the Audience Choice Silver Medal for Excellence at the 2010 Park City Film & Music Fest, and third place at this year’s Nightmare To Remember Film Festival in San Francisco.
Here’s the rundown of where you can catch “Horror of Our Love” this month:
See “Horror of Our Love” on Monday, August 9th, in the 5-7 pm block … Click here for tickets
See “Horror of Our Love” on Saturday night, the 14th, at the San Francisco Bay Area’s own Drive-in, Bike-in, Walk-in Movie Festival!
Click here for more details and to RSVP for opening night!
If you have any questions about the contest, shoot me an email (just click my name at the end of this story). Good luck!
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