Mondo, Beyond Fest, and Eibon Press are teaming up to bring the fans of Lucio Fulci and Fabio Frizzi a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Fabio Frizzi, the legendary composer of Lucio Fulci’s most celebrated horror films, is now on a rare U.S. tour, including the innovative live-score presentation of Lucio Fulci’s THE BEYOND and the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE TOUR, celebrating the music of Lucio Fulci’s greatest zombie films!
Eibon Press, home of Fulci comics, supports these incredible events one hundred percent and wants you to be there in the front row! So, in collaboration with Mondo and all participating theaters, they’re running a SPECIAL CONTEST for the next week! Winners will be selected to receive A PAIR OF TICKETS each to attend performances in Austin, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, or Chicago!
And that’s not all! These winners will also receive copies of LUCIO FULCI’S ZOMBIE #1 (both the first rare printing and the second rare printing) and LUCIO FULCI’S ZOMBIE #2, which won’t even be released for two months! THESE ARE RARE, COLLECTIBLE, CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED COMIC BOOKS based on the films of Fulci and are only available in extremely limited 1,000-copy runs, sealed in album sleeves and shrink-wrapped with special extras!
“So how do I enter the contest?” Simple!
Just share a photo on Twitter that shows that you are the ultimate fan of Lucio Fulci and Fabio Frizzi! Pose with your posters, T-shirts, your FULCI COMICS, your MONDO STUFF, or get creative! Draw us a picture, tag a bathroom wall, do a mural! To win, your post must include the hashtag of your preferred city:
Austin (#FrizziAustin), San Diego (#FrizziSanDiego), San Francisco (#FrizziSanFrancisco), Los Angeles (#FrizziLosAngeles), Portland (#FrizziPortland), Seattle (#FrizziSeattle), Chicago (#FrizziChicago).
2 winners picked for the Austin show. (Sept. 27)*
3 winners picked for the San Diego show. (Sept. 29)**
1 winner picked for the San Francisco show. (Sept. 30)*
1 winner picked for the Los Angeles show. (Oct. 2)*
1 winner picked for the Portland (Oct. 3)***
3 winners picked for the Seattle show. (Oct. 4)**
2 winners picked for the Chicago show. (Oct. 6)*
*** Performing FRIZZI2FULCI
Winners will be selected and announced next Friday (September 23, 2016).
Those who attend the Austin performance of Frizzi’s THE BEYOND will have a rare opportunity to buy Fulci Comics, as Eibon has agreed to make a limited number of copies available at the merch tables! The books will be signed by Fabio Frizzi himself!
And they’re STILL not done being cool to the fans, either! There’s still a chance to win FULCI COMICS for anyone else who buys a ticket for any of the tour stops in America! That’s right… if you come to see any of the US performances, you’ll be able to win these awesome, rare, collectible comics from Eibon Press! Purchasing a ticket automatically enters you into the contest and winners will be selected in a random general drawing on the first night of THE BEYOND live score show. (September 27, 2016).