CONTEST CLOSED! UK Readers: Win a Copy of the Current Issue of SCREAM Magazine

Our friends across the pond at SCREAM Magazine are offering three lucky Dread Central readers in the UK a chance to win a copy of the latest issue of SCREAM, Britain’s all new premier horror magazine.
The issue up for grabs, only the second one printed by the fledgling company, has everyone’s favorite, Frankenstein’s Monster, on the cover and features the following articles, including lots more:
To enter to win your free copy, hit us off with an E-MAIL HERE including your FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Check out the Issue #2 cover below, and for more info visit the official SCREAM website, where you can also get a sneak peek at Issue #3 (due out on January 27th, 2011). Click here to buy issues for just £4.50 each. If you are in the UK, you can order a copy with FREE postage; for European residents it will be an extra £2.00, and for overseas residents it will be £3.00 postage.

Got news? Click here to submit it!
SCREAM in the comments section below!