CONTEST CLOSED! Win a Copy of Birdemic: Shock and Terror on Blu-ray or DVD Along with Some Birdemic Hangers!

Yes, you read that headline correctly … we’re giving away Blu-rays, DVDs and hangers. Who doesn’t want hangers? You need hangers. You’re always looking for hangers. AND you can use these hangers to help fend off killer eagles who shit explosives!
I love my job.
Winning is simple; just send us an E-MAIL HERE including your FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS, along with which package you want, Blu-ray or DVD, and we’ll get out your movie and some HANGERS(!) for you in a jiffy!
Special Features
Look for a review of the Blu-ray soon!
Fans can connect with Birdemic on Facebook, follow along on Twitter, and of course visit the official Birdemic: Shock and Terror website.

Got news? Click here to submit it!
Fly away in the comments section below!