Contest: Win a Comet TV MONSTER SUMMER Beach Pack

We’re heading into summer, which means many of you are going to head to the beach for a day and/or night of swimming, tanning, and relaxation. To help make sure you show off your love of horror while soaking up the sun, we’ve teamed up with Comet TV to bring you a chance to win a beach pack that will convince anyone to stomp through sandcastles like they were Godzilla themselves!

To enter, all you have to do is fill out the form below! Also, make sure to check out Comet TV’s Kaiju double-feature extravaganza, which runs throughout the summer. More details can be read here.

Here are the prizes included in this pack:

  • 1 – Limited Edition Monster Summer Beach Towel: Only available via this promotion, catch Godzilla having a blast with one of two designs. You’ll be the envy of your friends and have some extra protection if a monster comes from the depths to destroy the planet. Score!
  • 1 – COMET TV Monster Summer SPF Pouch: Beat the rays with this Monster Summer SPF pouch. Apply liberally to ward off the sun, The Beast from the Haunted Cave, Rodan or any other variety of lizard-like beast.
  • 1- COMET TV Cooler: Listen, even Godzilla needs a place to keep his brews chill. Let’s be honest, he needs to beat the heat at some point. I can see him carrying this cool-as-fire bag around to crack open a cold one.
  • 1 – COMET TV Monster Summer Beach-Tastic Ball: Are you a ball-er? I hope so, cause you need to grab some buds, jump in the pool and play with this Godzilla Monster Summer Beach Ball. Groovy!
  • 2 – Exclusive COMET TV Film Cards: See what COMET TV has this month, with these collector’s cards. Perfect for the Godzilla fan, the Monster-man, or the COMET TV junkie if your life!

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