CONTEST CLOSED! Dread Central Hosting and Live Streaming From the L.A. Paranormal Activity 3 Premiere! Win Tickets!

This is it, kids! The week all things fall into place for Paranormal Activity fans across the nation! As always there’s a big to do going on in L.A. for the film’s premiere and we’ll be on hand to host and live stream from the event! Not only that … here’s your chance to win ten (10) VIP tickets that will bring you to the front of the line!
To enter, just send us an E-MAIL HERE including your FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS. You’ll be notified tomorrow afternoon if you’ve been selected!
Again, we’ll be live streaming from the event starting sometime in the afternoon/evening. Stay tuned for more info on that!
Read our official Paranormal Activity 3 review here and, if you missed it, our Fantastic Fest Paranormal Activity 3 review here!
If your city appears in the list below, make sure you RSVP HERE to attend on early screening!
Follow Paranormal Activity on Twitter (@TweetYourScream) for more upcoming announcements, and as always keep an eye on the official Paranormal Activity website!

Got news? Click here to submit it!
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Get scared shitless in the comments section below!