Be Her Best Friend Forever And Enter To Win A Digital Code For ‘M3GAN UNRAT3D V3RSION’
We all love M3GAN, whether we’re talking about the entire camp experience of the film or the titular doll herself. Now, the M3GAN UNRAT3D VERSION is here to deliver a M3GAN you haven’t seen before. And, we’re giving away five digital codes so you too can see a whole new side of your favorite terrifying doll.
M3GAN UNRAT3D VERSION delivers more distressing violence and profanity. It also features never-before-seen bonus content including a breakdown of the creation of the doll and behind-the-scenes featurettes showcasing the film’s complex stunts and gory deaths.
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M3GAN UNRAT3D VERSION is out now on digital and comes to Blu-ray and DVD on March 21, 2023.