Subscribe to Box of Dread’s Twilight Zone September to Win The Walking Dead Season 4 Seventh Box

There are only a few hours left to subscribe to “The Twilight Zone”-themed September Box of Dread. One lucky subscriber will win the fabled Seventh Box, which this month features “The Walking Dead” Season 4 tree zombie box set. Sign up for Box of Dread before 12 midnight ET on Sept. 9th.
For our “Twilight Zone” September special, all subscribers will be receiving major items from the landmark television series. While we can’t tell you at this time what those items are (why ruin the surprise, right?), we can tell you that the items are valued at about twice the monthly Box of Dread subscription price of $14.
What are you waiting for? Don’t miss the deadline! Get subscribed now!

On top of the “Twilight Zone” items, one lucky current Box of Dread subscriber will receive The Walking Dead Season 4 Collector’s Edition Box Set with the tree zombie and a unique press kit not available for sale anywhere in the Seventh Box. How cool is that?
Watch this unboxing video from Uncle Creepy to see what the tree zombie box set looks like, and also check out our picture gallery of the Seventh Box.
Hurry… the deadline is Tuesday, September 9th, at 12 midnight ET.
Two Membership Plans are available:

Every month we randomly pick a winner of our “Special Edition Box of Dread” valued at up to $250 called the “Seventh Box.” The “Seventh Box” for each month will include new movies, games, signed merch, maybe even a screen used prop!
So, sign up for Box of Dread today and watch out for the mailman because he may soon be headed up your driveway with the next box in hand! Get started TODAY! Visit the official Box of Dread website for more information!
See what our Box of Dread subscribers received the last few months in our Facebook albums. Don’t you want to get these delivered to you every month? You can also watch subscriber unboxing videos below.

Subscribe to the Dread Central YouTube Channel!
Tell us what’s in YOUR BOX in the comments section below!