October Book Giveaway – Day 1: Scott Kenemore’s The Grand Hotel

To help make our special month of Halloween extra special this year, we’ve teamed up with a couple of publishers to bring you a three-day “October Book Giveaway,” which kicks off today with Scott Kenemore’s The Grand Hotel from Talos Press.
To enter for your chance to win one of the three copies of the book we have available, just send an email to [email protected] including your FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS. We’ll take care of the rest.
Please note this contest is open to US residents only and will end at 12:01 AM PT on Thursday, October 30, 2014.
When a desk clerk welcomes a group of tourists into his mysterious and crumbling hotel, the last thing he expects is that a lone girl on his tour may hold the power to unravel the hidden mystery that has lain for untold centuries within the structure’s walls.
The Grand Hotel is a horror novel by esteemed bestselling author Scott Kenemore (Zombie, Ohio) that takes the reader on a thrilling ride through an interconnected series of stories narrated by the desk clerk and the residents of the hotel itself. And while it is not known whether or not the desk clerk is actually the devil incarnate, it is strange that so many visitors who come for a tour of the hotel have a way of never leaving.
As the narrator takes you deeper and deeper into the heart of the hotel, secrets that have been hiding for aeons begin to show themselves. Although he is quite prepared for this experience, there is some question as to whether or not the rest of the world shares this readiness.
Kenemore’s incredible style and originality carry The Grand Hotel to places most people only see in their nightmares. And while we don’t know all of the secrets that lie within the Grand Hotel, we know that the person who does hold that knowledge puts fear into the narrator himself—a thought that ought to terrify everyone.