October Book Giveaway – Day 3: Best New Horror: 25th Anniversary Edition

Today marks the end of our three-day “October Book Giveaway,” and we’ve definitely saved the “best” for last. Who wouldn’t love a copy of the 25th Anniversary Edition of Best New Horror, which combines dozens of the best and grisliest short stories of today?
The collection is edited by Stephen Jones and is being released by Skyhorse Publishing on November 11th. To enter for your chance to win one of the three copies we have available, just send an email to [email protected] including your FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS. We’ll take care of the rest.
Please note this contest is open to US residents only and will end at 12:01 AM PT on Thursday, October 30, 2014.
Big thanks to Sam Caggiula of Skyhorse for coordinating the contest with us. Hope you guys have enjoyed it!
For twenty-five years this series has been published in the United Kingdom as The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, and it now comes to the US to delight and terrify thriller enthusiasts. This has been the world’s leading annual anthology dedicated solely to showcasing the best in contemporary horror fiction.
This newest volume offers outstanding new writing by masters of the genre such as Joan Aiken, Peter Atkins, Ramsey Campbell, Christopher Fowler, Joe R. Lansdale, John Ajvide Lindqvist, Robert Silverberg, Michael Marshall Smith, Evangeline Walton, and many others!