Scream Addicts Episode 5 – Reboot!

Much as our own show has had its own slight reboot, so too have many horror franchises been the subject of the ol’ do-over.
On today’s show we’ll be rambling on about the rise of the reboot, reboots vs. remakes, and the current trend of reboots that still acknowledge a series’ most noteworthy installments while laying bloody waste to the sequels and continuity standing between them. And if you stick around to the very end, you might be able to listen in to us going through a few terrifying comments we’ve received via Dread Central, Twitter, YouTube, that creepy kid in class passing us a folded note, Facebook, etc.
We hope you’ll enjoy this discussion, but if not – be sure to use the comments section below to throw a couple of eggs, hurl a few tomatoes, or just straight-up call for our heads on pikes. Or, y’know… be sure to chime in if you actually happen to like the show, too.
So brace yourselves for ten high-octane minutes of gore-strewn conversation in our newest episode of “Scream Addicts” – “Reboot!”
And if you missed our previous episodes, start catching up here.
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And be sure to scream away in the comments section below to tell us what you thought! Liked it? Hated it? Let us know!
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