Top 5 Horror Cartoons that Need to Make a Comeback!

3. Gargoyles
Making its debut a week before Halloween in 1994, “Gargoyles” was immediately something different. Hard to believe a series that thrives on deep storytelling set on the heels of Goth culture came from Disney?! Then again, have you seen The Black Cauldron? Maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised. The plot was fairly simple. A group of magical guardians, the Gargoyles, are the protectors of an ancient castle in medieval Scotland. The humans betrayed the Gargoyles and placed a curse upon them to remain stone to the tune of: “They’ll be stone until the castle rises above the clouds.” Of course this curse happens to be broken almost 1,000 years later on top of New York City’s tallest building, awakening the Gargoyles, and the creatures eventually continue their guardian duties in their curious and new environment. At the time, there really was no other series like this, animated or not, and I personally feel the show is completely underrated merely due to its Disney association.
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