Exclusive Interview and Images: Lowell Dean Talks Another WolfCop Ahead of Fantastic Fest

Back in 2014, the world was introduced to the great white North’s small, rural community of Woodhaven, when alcoholic cop Lou Garou sprouted a few hairs on his chest and saved the locals from a gang of evil reptilian shapeshifters. Given the unanimous positive buzz for the film, Cinecoup couldn’t resist green-lighting a sequel before the first film even released. And now, two years on, Another WolfCop will be making its world premiere at Austin’s Fantastic Fest.
With Lou Garou (Leo Fafard) back on the streets of Woodhaven, gleefully and violently disposing of criminals and causing all manner of problems for his former-partner-turned-Chief of Police Tina (Amy Matysio), we caught up with director Lowell Dean to find out just how bigger, badder, dirtier, and hairier his loopy lupine sequel really is…
Dread Central: The first time round, WolfCop became a feature as a result of winning the Cinecoup prize money of one million dollars. How has the financing differed this time, and what have been the advantages and problems you’ve experienced as a result of the financing route taken?
Lowell Dean: Actually, both the first and second WolfCop were financed through conventional methods. What was unique about the first film was – like you mentioned – that it was chosen for production by Cinecoup after competing with 90 others for selection. The big advantage for the sequel, Another WolfCop, is that we didn’t have to spend 3 months pitching it! Cinecoup wanted to make it as soon as we finished the first one. The hard part with the sequel was that our budget needed to be bigger – just over two million dollars. So it took longer to raise the financing before we could go and make the film.
DC: With the title being Another WolfCop, is that just a tip of the hat to titles like TeenWolf Too or is there a teasing hint relating to the plot there?
LD: Yeah, the title is more just for fun and to indicate the tone of the film. It doesn’t hint at anything plot related. Or… DOES it?
DC: The first film is definitely one of the zanier werewolf horror/comedies out there. I imagine you were super conscious about whether or not people would appreciate just how the off the wall the comedy was when you were writing. Now that the first film has been a success, did that allow you to just let your creative juices flow and really let the comedy go as wild and weird as you wanted, or exactly the opposite?
LD: I was overjoyed that people responded to the first film, especially to all the really weird stuff that I loved putting in there – like the first transformation and the sex scene. Based on the reaction, I felt obliged to go even weirder and just let my freak flag fly with this next go-round. Many sequels focus on going bigger, and while we couldn’t really go smaller than the first film, my focus for the sequel was more on the characters and going crazier instead of bigger. Mark my words, Another WolfCop will make WolfCop seems tame by comparison. There’s a lot you can’t “unsee” in this film.
DC: Last time we spoke, I remember you telling me that for the first film you didn’t want to do an origins story at first but then you realised you really had to. Having got the origin bit out of the way, has that made the writing process easier or did you find it a tough challenge to remain true to the mythology and the characters you created in the original?
LD: Another WolfCop was tougher than the first film in every respect. In terms of writing, I knew I wanted to tell a story about Lou being really cocky at first – emboldened by his new werewolf powers – and then being humbled into realizing he still has a long way to go to becoming a true hero. If the first film was “WolfCop Begins” this is certainly “WolfCop Continues” or “WolfCop still has a lot to learn.” As for the mythology, that was just the fun part – the icing on the cake that grows the universe and serves the story and the characters. For me, the characters come first. Like the first film, the core and the heart of WolfCop is Lou’s relationships with Tina and Willie.
DC: And what about Leo Fafard and Amy Matysio returning for the sequel? Has it been easy for them to slip back into character after two years and have you changed much in terms of their characters, particularly the fact that Lou’s secret is no secret now? Has that fact changed him much or, as it’s a comedy, is it just taken as a normal thing that there’s a WolfCop patrolling the streets?
LD: I don’t know how easy it was for Amy and Leo to slip back into being Tina and Lou, but I will say they made it look easy. One of the big joys of making Another WolfCop was getting to spend time with my friends again. And not just Amy and Leo, but Tina and Lou as well! I love those characters. Lou is far more confident in the sequel, but he’s still a bit of a screw up. Tina is still a force to be reckoned with, but now she’s the Chief of the Woodhaven Police Department. So now both Lou and Tina have power behind them – and they’re in direct conflict with one another. As for if WolfCop is just casually patrolling the streets in the sequel, I’ll let you see the film and find out…
DC: As Lou tried concealing his secret in the first film, now that his secret’s out, will this be more of a buddy cop movie with him and Tina patrolling the streets?
LD: IS his secret out? Do the citizens of Woodhaven know about WolfCop? Again, you will need to see Another WolfCop to find out. And yes, there is certainly a buddy cop aspect to this film with Lou and Tina. I’m heavily inspired by ’80s action films like Lethal Weapon for their relationship.
DC: All that’s really been revealed about the sequel is that we’ll be introduced to a billionaire businessman who reopens the local brewery to produce Chicken Milk Stout, and also gifts the town with its very own hockey team, the Darkstars. Does that mean we can expect some sharp satire with the corporate world bearing the brunt of much of the humor?
LD: I think that’s a safe bet. We try to do it all in a playful way – but there are certainly some messages under the surface if you want to dig around.
DC: When WolfCop screened at 2014’s FrightFest it won the award for Best Penis Trauma for the “Transformation from cock to wolfcock.” Has Emersen Ziffle and the effects department upped the ante this time with even more “traumatic” transformations and bloodshed?
LD: New awards will have to be created for Emersen Ziffle after this film! He and his team did wonderful work and created some truly bizarre cinematic moments. I can’t wait to watch people watching them. Side note: I’m just really happy that a “best penis trauma” award exists… and that we won it!
DC: A sequel was confirmed just before the first was even released. Do you have plans for more WolfCop or are you hoping to focus on something else before continuing Lou Garou’s story?
LD: I do feel like I’ve been “living the life of WolfCop” for the past 4 years, so it would be nice to try something new. I’d like to direct more horror and films of other genres. I’m also developing some pretty cool TV show concepts. That being said, I genuinely love the world of WolfCop and I have outlines for at least two more WolfCop films, so I guess time will tell!
Another WolfCop will screen at this year’s Fantastic Fest on Sunday, September 25 and Wednesday, September 28. You’d be howling mad to miss it…
After saving Woodhaven from a gang of evil reptilian shapeshifters, alcoholic werewolf cop Lou Garou is finding it hard to keep a low profile. Instead, he roams the street at night, gleefully and violently disposing of criminals and stealing boxes of Liquor Donuts causing all sorts of problems for his former-partner-turned-chief Tina.
Things begin to look up for the loser residents of Woodhaven when a billionaire businessman announces he’s reopening the local brewery to produce Chicken Milk Stout, as well as gifting the town with its very own hockey team, the Darkstars. However, the unexpected return of an old friend (who now sports a large foul-mouthed mustachioed phallus) and a strip joint bloodbath alert Wolfcop to the rise of something evil to the town.
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