Prediction: The Little Losers Club Play a Massive Part in IT: CHAPTER TWO

“He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.”
Next year we will be hit with director Andres Muschietti’s follow up to his hit adaptation of part one of Stephen King’s IT. We just got word earlier this week that the movie it started filming with Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, Bill Hader, James Ransone, Andy Bean, Jay Ryan, and Isaiah Mustafa as the adult Losers Club, and Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
But what’s more interesting is that Chastain, who will be playing the adult version of Beverly Marsh, was just featured in a series of on-set photos featuring her hanging out with her younger version, played by Sophia Lillis in the original film. And what’s interesting about this is this all the confirms that, yes, Andres Muschietti’s IT: Chapter Two will feature flashbacks to the original Losers Club.
But we already knew that… What we don’t know, however, is the extent of the planned flashbacks. And today I’m going to be putting forth an admittedly bold – and possibly way out of left field – prediction regarding the final act of Stephen King’s IT: Chapter Two. I think Muschietti and his team are going to be giving us a third act that pays homage to the back-and-forth structure of King’s original novel.
I predict the third act will directly cut back-and-forth between the adult Losers Club and the kids-version Losers Club battling IT’s true spider form at the same time. Okay, maybe not the “spider” part, as something tells me they’ll just go ahead and ditch that (admittedly lame) aspect from King’s book and the original ABC miniseries. But the spider-form aspect aside, yes, the two Losers Clubs will battle IT’s true form (metaphorically) side-by-side.
How did I come up with this prediction? There is a quick clue hidden in the original film. The subtle foreshadowing comes during the very final scene of the first movie where, after the kids defeat Pennywise, we cut to them standing on the riverside where they all stand in a circle, cut their palms, and promise to return to Derry if Pennywise returns in another 27 years. And it seems that nobody else online has noticed that in this scene… all of the kids are wearing different clothes!
Okay, maybe you noticed that. You probably did. Hell, you probably even noticed the not-in-the-least-bit-subtle title card reading “September” that marks the transition of the Losers in Pennywise’s dark lair to them on the sunny banks of the river. Fair enough. But did you really give any thought to what that may mean?
Now I might as well point out here that we’re about to get in the SPOILERS so if you’re not familiar with the book turn away now. If you are familiar with the book, just know that this could potentially be spoilers for the upcoming sequel – if I’m right about this. If not, then we all just had a good time speculating and we’ll call it a day at that.
So let’s do a quick bout of “Why this time-jump doesn’t mean shit.” The time-jump could very easily be chalked up to the fact that certain aspects needed to be wrapped up by the end of the movie. Mainly that Beverly needs to say that she’s moving out of town, which it Beverly knew that before being dragged into the sewers by Pennywise, I don’t think she would have bothered to kill(?) her father. Anyhow, that’s one of the reasons that Muschietti could have made the decision to place that ending scene a month into the future. But personally, I think it’s the setup for a really cool surprise for the possible third act of the upcoming sequel…
As I mentioned above, the book cuts back and forth between the adults and the kids throughout the entirety of the novel so I’m thinking that Muschietti and team will attempt to preserve that aspect. How I expect him to try and pull this off is that we know from the novel (and the end of the first part) that the kids eventually forget the horrors they experience at the hands of Pennywise and IT, and once that comes back to them I expect them to come to the realization: “Oh, my God. We didn’t defeat Pennywise when we thought we did! We went BACK that summer. We went back into the lair of IT.”
From there we’ll see that, after escaping the horrors of IT directly following their “defeat” of Pennywise in the original film, the young Losers Club were forced back in the sewers, deeper than ever and into the “real” lair of IT. Meanwhile (metaphorically) the remaining adult members of the Losers Club are left to put the final pieces of their memory puzzle back together AS they are retracing their steps as through the same sewers/tunnels from their forgotten childhood.
We keep cutting back and forth between the adults and the kids experiencing the same dark trek under the sewers and into the forgotten prehistoric caverns where IT’s true form actually resides. We keep cutting back and forth as the two versions of the Losers Club come closer and closer to the (actual) final confrontation with the entity known as IT, and their final confrontation with themselves via the good old ritual we all know as Chud.
What is The Ritual of Chud? That’s a story for another time… (see image below).
And there you have it, that is my prediction for the final act of IT: Chapter Two. It will be a prolonged sequence which cuts back and forth between the adult and kids Losers Club – creating the feeling it is all happening at once. Basically what I’m saying is, expect the little Losers Club to play a massive role in the sequel’s final act.
Do you hope I’m right? What do you think will happen in IT: Chapter Two? Make sure to let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
Check Back Tomorrow…
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